Thursday, January 15, 2009

LIVE BLOG: Hanging on by a thread

Dr. Fred Hayes, superintendent of the Athens Independent School District, has taken the stage and my battery is at 29 percent.
Just kidding. Hayes announced the Teacher of the Year award, one of the headline awards of the evening. Campus teachers of the year (forgive the spellings if I miss one here): Mary Ann Tyner, Athens High School; Kim Mattingly, Athens Middle School; Nicole Mason, Athens Intermediate; Linda Mizzani (Linda, sorry, I know I botched your last name), South Athens Elemenary; Dawn Andress, Bel Air Elementary; and Keisha Garrett, Athens Annex. In a very nice moment tonight, the teachers were given the first standing ovation. They more than deserved it.
From that pool, Hayes then announced the district's Elementary Teacher of the Year: Dawn Andress, a second-grade elementary teacher, who herself was given a standing ovation.
From there, the Secondary Teacher was named, and also given a standing "O": Kim Mattingly.
Congrats, ladies. Well done.
-- Jayson Larson, editor

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