Sunday, January 11, 2009

Guess who's back?

Talked to Clyde Alexander tonight. Alexander, as you might remember, is a former Athens resident who served in the Texas House for 14 years, a time that included a fairly lengthy stint as chair of the Transportation Committee. This weekend he officially was offered and accepted the chief of staff position for State Rep. Joe Straus, who is expected to be elected speaker of the Texas House this week.
Anyhow, Alexander sounds ready to be back in politics. He's been in and around it for quite some time and apparently just couldn't get too far away. So if that's the case, he should have all he wants and more.
What's interesting about this to me is he's a Democrat, although some might say a moderate Democrat, while Joe Straus is a Republican. But the two are apparently good friends. Here's to hoping the two of them can heal some of the wounds left by Tom Craddick, who was a very effective politician who burned a lot of bridges.
Check out our online and print editions of the Tuesday Review for an interview with Alexander. I haven't seen any comments of his in print just yet, so maybe we'll be the first to let folks hear from our former state rep. and his new gig.
-- Jayson Larson, editor

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