Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We should pay people to stop smoking crack, too

Oh, no. No, no.
Just read this on Yahoo!News. It comes from an Associated Press report.

"Dangling enough dollars in front of smokers who want to quit helps many more succeed, an experiment with hundreds of General Electric Co. workers indicates. Among those paid up to $750 to quit and stay off cigarettes, 15 percent were still tobacco-free about a year later. That may not sound like much, but it's three times the success rate of a comparison group that got no such bonuses."

WHAT!!! Are you kidding? Every company has a right to do what it wants to do, but man, isn't there a better way to spend money on incentives? What about the folks who don't smoke? How 'bout a bonus for showing up to work? No, that wouldn't work. There's already a bonus for that. It's called your paycheck.

Nuts, man. Nuts.

-- Jayson Larson,editor

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. I don't smoke and I would like to get money for not smoking. :) lol.
