Sunday, February 8, 2009

Text messages

Well, I've had my new phone for about a month now and I really like it. People can call me at my house in Poynor and I can actually hear them without the signal cutting out. I've taken a few fuzzy pictures with the camera and downloaded some of may favorite songs to listen to when my I-Pod and MP3 player are charging.
Sadly, I'm still on the outside looking in when it comes to text messaging. I see people punching the keyboard with their thumbs and clicking away sending greetings or information to who knows where, but the only text messsages I get are ads. By the way, I appreciate their concern, but my car warranty is NOT about to expire.
My wife has started to trade texts from some of her younger friends, but so far she hasn't sent me one either.
I think texts are cool. They're a good way of connecting with someone who day only have a few free minutes beween classes of on the job. When young people come over to the house to visit, I'm amazed that they always seem to have an incoming or outgoing text in the works. They can achieve this with great dexterity. They'll be talking to us, clicking away at the same time. Of course, I realize if I was anyone important, I'd be getting a text now and then.
At least the car warranty guy cares.
— Rich Flowers, News Editor

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