Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas movies

At our house, there are movies that we say are "in the rotation." That simply means we have certain movies that we play in the background sometimes when the kids are asleep and we're both doing some kind of work. My wife, a teacher, often slides in "A Few Good Men" and grades papers at night. We've actually talked about buying a second copy just in case something happens to the first one.
Then there's a different class of movies that are in the "Christmas rotation," movies we watch every holiday season without fail that never seem to get old. For my mom and I, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation used to be that movie (and may still be for her). Me, I've graduated to "Elf" with Will Ferrell.
I've heard quite a few people say they either hate Will Ferrell's movies, they hate "Elf" or both. But for me, it doesn't get any better than a knock-down, drag-out fight with a Santa that smells like beef and cheese (movie joke) or the scene where Buddy the Elf (Ferrell's character) doesn't realize that a real-life dwarf isn't, in fact, a real elf (Ferrell's reply after the dwarf drop kicks him into a wall ... "He must be a South Pole elf!").
Stupid? Yeah. Guess I'm just stupid enough to wear that one out, though. What I'm not is a cotton-headed ninnymuggins!
— Jayson Larson, editor, Athens Review

1 comment:

  1. Elf is my favorite, too! And, yes, anybody that really knows you thinks you ARE a cotton headed ninnymuggins!
    I'm sending you a pic of my beautiful fake tree. So there!
