Texas Representative Kevin Brady (R) has created a chart that is downright scary.
The chart is a representation of what the Democratic health care plan will do for us little people.
Remember, President Obama and other Congressional representatives will keep their current plans, rather than jump aboard this amazing sinking raft.
Nancy Pelosi and others of her ilk are attempting to restrict Republican representatives from sending the chart to their constituents, saying it is inaccurate.
They claim the "illustration of low-income subsidies is misleading and false" and argue the chart depicts a "Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund" that is “simply a recipient of IRS funds, with no outflow. ... This is false." The quotes are from a Roll Call report, which also provides a really good pdf of the chart.
Okay — just for the sake of argument — take these two factors out of the chart when you look at it.
Doesn't the mass bureaucracy between you and your doctor still freak you out?
We should distribute this chart to everyone we know and even some we don't. Let the American people know what is about to come down on our heads.
A small battle has been won but they are going to pick up where they left off after their little vacation, if we don't tell them otherwise en masse.
— Lauren Ricks, Associate Editor